Winter Solstice Self-love Meditation

Nestle into a comfortable spot in whatever position feels right for you.

Notice the quiet, that peaceful kind of quiet that takes your breath away.

Observe any light reflections that dance across the room and the bird song in the distance.

Recall a frigid night, the first snow fall and a stunning pink sky as the winter sun rises.

Now gently close your eyes.

Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it, smile, let it out with a sigh.

Repeat until your shoulders drop and you faintly hear the bird song.

Allow the loving energy from your heart to permeate the room around you, and accept it back into your body with every inhale. 

You are filled with love, fully connected to the universe and totally supported. 

Sit with those feelings, breathing naturally, for as long as you need to. 

When you are ready, gently roll your shoulders and your neck and open your eyes. 


Waving my B.H.E. in the Wind